Driving School London
Driving School London, Ontario
Good instructors with the right experience can help students learn about issues in driving that may be absent from textbooks. Through their teaching, you can learn about the dangers on the road, as well as giving solutions and tips for safe driving. They can observe your driving first-hand to analyze your weaknesses and to help you overcome them.
Table of Contents
- 1. How much do driving lessons cost in London, Ontario?
- 2. Is taking a MTO approved driving course worth the time and price?
- 3. What are other benefits of attending a driving school in London?
- 4. How many lessons do you need in London, Ontario?
- 5. How many hours of driving lessons on average, do people need to pass G2 test in London?
- 6. What discount on insurance does a driving course bring?
- 7. Can anyone really learn enough in 10 hours of driving lessons?
- 8. How can I learn defensive driving in London?
How much do driving lessons cost in London, Ontario?
Generally, driving lessons can cost from $40 to $50 per hour, depending on where you live. Some driving school offer special deals for two or three lessons, or more. If you are taking MTO approved beginner driver education course, the average cost is $600.
This will include 20 hours classroom, 10 hours of homework and a minimum of 10 hours in-vehicle driving lessons.
Is taking a MTO approved driving course worth the time and price?
For parents who want their kids to have the benefits of professional instruction and experience, an MTO approved driving course such as Trubicars is well worth the investment. These courses can teach students everything they need to know, not just for the G road test, but also to increase their safety behind the wheel. Sign your kids up for a course to take advantage of all the benefits of an official course.
Sign up with a driving school who is using Trubicars curriculum. Trubicars is the first MTO approved online driving course and it is the most widely used course in Ontario.
5 Benefits of taking lessons from an MTO approved driving school (course provider) in London.
Some teens consider driver’s ed. a rite of passage that is a natural stage in getting their license. Other people, however, are unsure of the value of driver’s ed. If you cannot decide whether or not driver’s ed. is a good choice, think about how new and teenage drivers can benefit from professional instruction. Here are five main reasons to enroll in full beginner driver education course in London.
1. Insurance Costs Are Lower if you have completed MTO approved driving course in London, Ontario.
Teens who have taken driver’s ed. can often receive a discount from insurance companies. Over time, these savings can be significant, especially for parents who feared the increase in insurance premiums from adding a teen to the policy. If your teen will soon learn to drive, contact your insurance company to ask about discounts.
2. Government approved course such as Trubicars Helps Teens Learn Systematically
After many years of driving, the chances are that you’ve forgotten many details of the driving process. The details of driving become second nature with experience, and explaining them to new drivers can be challenging. Driving school instructors in London however, know from long experience what teens need to learn, including the important details that accompany learning to drive. Communicating and connecting with teens is what they do. The same applies to government-approved online courses such as Trubicars. Students have option to attend the classes in-person or take the classes online and complete them at their own pace.
3. You Can Gain Extra Experience
Most parents are too busy to take their kids out driving every day. Professional driving lessons can fill that gap, helping learners gain extra experience with everything they need to know about driving in Ontario. Courses could be refreshers in driving safety or detailed lessons about driving in harsh conditions, taught from an outsider’s perspective. Whatever they need to learn, driving schools in London will offer them a solid foundation in the basic concepts of safe driving.
4. Preparation for the G Road Test
Taking a beginner driver education course from a professional in your area in London can give a student driver an inside view of the G road test, including what topics are covered, what the test scores mean, and what skills are necessary for passing the driving test in London. For example, parallel parking is necessary for passing both the G road tests. Be sure that your teen has the knowledge and experience necessary for the road test before attempting it to avoid failure over one or two small points, even if those points are uncommon in everyday driving.
5. Help Your Teen’s Confidence Increase
Nothing is like the sensation of going into a road test feeling confident that you have the knowledge to pass it. Professional driving lessons from government approved driving schools in London can provide the knowledge and confidence necessary for teens to gain the experience to manage whatever happens on the road. Good instructors are able to build up that confidence and to help prepare student drivers for the situations they might face on the road.
For professional instruction that gives students the knowledge they need, not just for the road test but also for increased safety behind the wheel, beginner driver education course gives good value for the investment. Signing your teen up for driving lessons will pass on all of the benefits of that experience.
What are the other benefits of attending a driving school in London?
The roads in Ontario and around the country have many dangers for drivers to avoid, both outside and inside the vehicle. Distracted driving, for example, has become a serious problem that frequently causes traffic accidents. For their own safety and the safety of others, young drivers should consider signing up to learn from a certified driving instructor who can assist them with driving techniques.
In the 20 hours of instruction that are normally available through driving schools, students can gain an understanding of the theory of driving and become comfortable behind the wheel of a vehicle. Even experienced drivers can benefit from brief mini courses that help to refresh their memories and hone their driving skills. Driving schools employ professional instructors who work hard to help students pass the road test. You might feel anxious about the process or you might need little mental tricks, mnemonic devices, to remember provincial laws. In either case, formal driving instruction can help.
Take note that anyone who has taken part in lessons at a driving school in London are required to wait only 8 months instead of 12 between writing the G1 test and completing the G2 test.
How many lessons do you need in Ontario?
For government-approved beginner driver education courses, driving schools must have qualified instructors giving at least 20 hours of classroom instruction. Class size must be no more than 40 students, and the ideal number is 24.
Attending a good driving school can help you learn the techniques necessary for safe driving. The information we have here can help you find a government-approved driving school with the necessary standards for beginner driver education.
Finding government-approved driving schools
At a beginner driver education program approved by the provincial government, you can learn the skills and attitudes you need for safe and responsible driving. Taking a course of this type may also make you eligible to take the G2 road test early and to save money on your insurance premiums when you buy a vehicle.
Be careful in choosing where to study, because only some schools offer government-approved courses. Check the school’s information for “MTO-approved beginner driver education courses” or “ministry-approved beginner driver education courses” to be sure that the school has what you need.
To offer approved courses, schools must meet ministry standards for:
- a minimum timeframe of in-class and in-vehicle training (must include 40 hours of instruction)
- general administration
- advertising standards
Government-approved driving schools must also display a licence from the Ministry of Transportation in every classroom.
How to choose a driving school in London
These tips can help you find a driving school:
- check out list of locations offering government-approved courses
- ask for driving school recommendations from your friends, family members or coworkers
- try to meet with the instructors for the classroom sessions and in-vehicle training
Proof of course completion for beginner driver education
Once you successfully complete a government-approved beginner driver education course, your driving school will give you an online certification. The Ministry of Transportation will then update your student driving record to show that you have completed the course.
If you need to prove that you have completed the course, you can do that with your Driver’s Licence History. You can obtain this document either through a ServiceOntario office or through the mail. No one else can do this for you, as only the license holder can make this request.
How many hours of driving lessons, on average, do people need to pass the G2 test in London, Ontario?
To be able to pass the G2 driving test, the average learner requires 10 to 15 hours of in-vehicle training. Everyone learn at different pace so some people might need more than 15 hours of training to get ready for the G2 road test. Your driving instructor will let you know if you are ready to take the G2 road test or if you need more practice.

What discount on insurance does a driving school brings?
Insurers have the option of reducing the cost of a first-time driver’s insurance premium for people who have graduated from a government approved driver’s education program. The exact amount of the discount varies, depending on the insurer. In some cases, the savings can be up to 10%, but it is a good idea to shop around for the best deal.
Can anyone really learn enough in 10 hours of driving lessons?
In 10 hours, you can learn the basics of driving. Driving is all about practice. The more you practice, the better you will get at it.
How can I learn defensive driving in London?
The concept of defensive driving is a common element in the curriculum of any reputable driving school, including Trubicars. Basically, defensive driving is a strategy of attempting to predict hazards and to be prepared for anything that might come. This strategy includes the following:
- Safety first in London
Young drivers, especially young male drivers, tend to express a level of aggression behind the wheel that can lead to accidents. For new drivers who are still becoming accustomed to the idea of being in control of a two-ton piece of metal and plastic, it may be easy to “forget” this fact and to be distracted by everything they see and hear. They can easily be distracted by sights at the side of the road, conversations in the vehicle, the radio or even just their own thoughts. Learning safe driving techniques through a driving school in London can help.
Safe driving in London and across Canada involves many different elements, some of which the driver can control. One of the basic tenets where drivers have influence is in avoiding the dangerous practice of tailgating, which is following too closely behind another vehicle. This habit can be annoying to other drivers, but it is also potentially dangerous. If the driver of the vehicle in front suddenly has to stop, it may be impossible for the driver of the second vehicle to stop in time to avoid a crash.
A second tenet of safe driving, which people can learn through a good driving school, is to remember to wear a seat belt whenever the vehicle is moving. Seat belts are useful for restraining vehicle occupants from being thrown around inside or out of the vehicle in the event of a crash. These safety devices are legally required in London and across Canada, but they are also a good idea to use whenever possible.
- Awareness of surroundings
As a driver in London and elsewhere, you should always be aware of potential hazards around you, whether on the road or beside it. Use the rear view and side mirrors to monitor the movements of traffic behind you and on both sides, but more importantly, be aware of what is in front of you. Watch for animals, pedestrians and cyclists around the vehicle and remember the unique challenge that each one presents.
Animals, for example, can dart out onto the road without warning, even if they have been standing still for what seems to be a very long time before that. Pedestrians may be young children who fail to grasp the concept of danger on the road or elderly people who, despite their best efforts, cannot move quickly enough to cross the road with the light. Cyclists may suddenly swerve into your path if they lose their balance or need to avoid an obstruction in their path.
Similarly, you might need to get out of the way of a dangerous driver who is approaching you. Even if you begin to panic in this situation, be sure that you find a way to get out of the other driver’s way in a safe and calm manner. Panic can only increase the chances of an accident, but staying calm will allow you to think through the problem and come up with a reasonable solution that gets you out of harm’s way without endangering anyone else. A good driving school in London can teach you about techniques that can help in situations like these.
- Do not assume anything
When you drive, it is easy to assume that other drivers will follow the rules and that they have a sufficient amount of skill to avoid causing accidents on the road. Unfortunately, that might not necessarily be the case. You might hope that other drivers will act the way you would, but you cannot be sure of that. Driving school instructors in London can help you learn what behaviours to watch for on the road.
A stop sign, for example, is nothing more than a red metal octagon with the word STOP on it, unless drivers are willing to do what it says. It does nothing to guarantee that a driver will actually stop at it. At some intersections, it is quite common for drivers to slow down just enough for a brief traffic check before sliding through.
Be prepared for any possibilities and quickly visualize your response if a driver crosses into your right of way. On busy streets, traffic is constantly changing, and drivers need to be aware that vehicles can appear to come out of nowhere. Watching for traffic is essential, as you can learn at a good driving school in London.
- Keep a safe distance from other vehicles
Keep 3 to 4 seconds clear in front of you and even more at night and in bad weather. That will give you enough time to stop if necessary to avoid crashing into other vehicles. At a speed of 70 kilometers per hour, for example, your car will travel about 20 meters per second before your foot touches the brake.
- Watch your speed
This is an obvious guideline for safe driving, as you can learn at a driving school in London. Staying within the speed limit is legally required, but it is also a good idea for practical reasons. At a lower speed, you can more easily control skids and respond to emergencies if necessary.
- Always have an escape plan
This may seem a bit paranoid but constantly thinking about what your driving maneuver will be if something goes awry is one of the basics of defensive driving. Check your mirrors and blind spots regularly to know where to go if you need to avoid a collision. At a driving school in London, the instructors will remind you of this regularly.
Trubicars Serves London!
We are working hard in Ontario to link up people who need a qualified driving instructor or a highly rated driving school with the organizations that provide these services. These businesses also partner with car driving schools in London to put more people in the driver’s seat of their training vehicles.
We all have our own strengths and areas of expertise. No one can be knowledgeable about everything, but they can choose one or two areas to learn and study. We have chosen to become experts in the field of driving schools and driver education, and we have worked hard to learn as much as possible about the best ways to help student drivers in London gain the knowledge and experience they need for safe driving. We will always do our best to match student drivers with the best learning environment at a driving school.
Text or call 647-760-5505 to learn more about Trubicars car driver training and other services offered for motorcyclists and truck drivers in London. You can also contact us by e-mail at info@trubicars.ca. We would love to hear from you.