G1 exit road test
Ace Your 2021
G1, G2 and G Test
Ace Your 2021
G1, G2 and G Tests
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G1 Test Practice
Questions in the sample quizzes are modeled on the actual test questions you will encounter in the official G1 exam. Learning the answers to these questions will give you the knowledge you need to complete your G1 exam successfully.
G2 Test Practice
We offer MTO approved online Beginner Driver Education (BDE) courses. We are the most widely used curriculum in the province of Ontario. Learning through us is a lot more efficient than simply trying to learn at your own or through other websites.
G Test Practice
We offer real-world scenarios that students may encounter at any time on the road (or road test). It is designed to help students learn the information they need to know to pass G road test in the province of Ontario.
Free course to help you pass your driving test
We realize that practice is important for students preparing for important tests like this one. Therefore, we will offer these practice tests free of charge, with no “premium or paid” accounts. This way, you will be able to get the practice you need without being concerned about how your preparations are affecting your wallet.
As a further aid to learning and engagement, we will keep the website free of advertisements. That will eliminate one possible distraction that may keep you from learning.
We highly encourage you to share this website with your friends and family members to help them pass their G tests in Ontario. You can also share this page on your social media accounts.
G1 – Exit Road Test
- Unable to locate / adjust / operate safety devices
- Fails to observe – uses mirror only
- Fails to signal / improper signal
- Incorrect use of: clutch / brake / accelerator / gears
- Fails to look around / to rear before / while backing – mirror only
- Turnabout control / steering method / observation / vehicle position
- Incorrect use of: clutch / brake / gears / steering
- Follows or passes too closely / cuts in too soon
- Improper choice of lane / straddles lanes / unmarked roadway
- Fails to check blind spot / observe properly
- Lane change signal: wrong / early / late / not given / not cancelled
- Right-of-way observance: pedestrians / self / other vehicles
- Fails to use caution or obey: pedestrian cross-overs /school crossing / emergency vehicle
- Speed: too fast / slow for conditions / impedes traffic
- Incorrect use of: clutch / brake / accelerator / gears / steering / safety devices
- Fails to observe properly / controlled / uncontrolled intersections
- Fails to obey signs or signals / pavement markings
- Late in slowing / stopping / slows too soon
- Stopping position too soon or blocks crosswalk / intersection
- Right-of-way observance: pedestrians / self / other vehicles
- Signalling: Wrong / early / late / not given / not cancelled
- Fails to get in proper position / lane / late into lane / late into position
- Right-of-way observance: pedestrians / self / position / other vehicles
- Turns too wide – enters wrong lane
- Cuts corner – enters wrong lane
- Steering: method / control / recovery
- Speed: too fast / too slow / enter / leave / impedes
- Incorrect use of: clutch / brake / accelerator / gears
- Fails to observe – uses mirror only / backing / leaving
- Hits: objects / other vehicles or climbs curbs
- Incorrect vehicle position
- Fails to signal when leaving / incorrect signal
- Incorrect use of: clutch / brake / accelerator / gears / steering
- Fails to observe properly / uses mirror only / and/or signal before leaving
- Rolls back when parking or starting
- Fails to angle wheels properly / incorrect vehicle position
- Fails to set parking brake / select proper gear
- Incorrect use of: clutch / brake / accelerator / gears / steering
Most frequent questions and answers
When can I get my G1 license in Ontario?
Turning 16 is an important milestone in life, with its promise of more freedom and independence. Getting a driver’s license is a large part of that.
At age 16 in Ontario, you can write your G1 driving test and begin the process of earning a full driver’s license. Preparing for the test involves learning the rules of the road and understanding the issues involved in operating a vehicle on the road in all kinds of conditions.
To obtain a driver’s license in Ontario, you must be able to fulfill all three of these criteria, according to the Ontario.ca website:
- be at least 16 years old
- pass a vision test (with glasses or contact lenses if necessary)
- pass the written test on rules of the road and traffic signs and signals
Applicants who are under 18 years old should be accompanied by a parent or guardian when going for the written G1 test.
Drivers need a wide array of knowledge to be able to handle the situations they encounter on the road. Here are some examples:
- how to handle four-way stops
- what to watch for in school zones
- how to get out of a skid on an icy or wet road
- how to handle fatigue on long trips
You can learn about the rules of the road and the challenges of driving through:
- the official Ministry of Transportation Driver’s Handbook, available at https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook.
- an approved curriculum through an online driving school, such as Trubicars
Trubicars offers an interactive curriculum covering the different driving situations and scenarios that you are likely to encounter. Topics covered in this course include:
- license classifications (G, M, etc.)
- dashboard symbols and warning lights
- signal lights, headlights, brakes and other controls
- basic rules of the road, such as speed limits, right-of-way rules, etc.
- issues such as driver fatigue, hazardous road conditions, the needs of different road users (such as cyclists or pedestrians), etc.
How can I book my driving test in Ontario?
Once you feel that you know the material well enough, you can book a test at a Service Ontario Centre or DriveTest Centre.
Information on locations and booking an appointment is available at the Service Ontario Service Finder website: https://www.services.gov.on.ca/sf/?_ga=2.234152093.2040431062.1611594312-1433769550.1609993166#/oneServiceDetail/137/ip/sr/t.
Testing sites are located in many towns and cities around the province of Ontario. Scroll down the page on the Service Finder site to search for information on testing sites in different cities and towns in the province. You can search for sites in your own town or check in a larger centre nearby.
Before going for your appointment, be sure that you have prepared for the test. If you need glasses or contact lenses to see properly, be sure to have them with you.
Also be sure to have money to pay the test fee and anything else that you might need, such as allergy medication or wrist braces. You want to have as few barriers as possible to passing the test.
Before you go for your test, check the website for the list of valid documents to be sure that you have the correct identification before going to write your test. Also, remember to take the original documents with you as copies will not be accepted.
As the Service Ontario website explains, you will need identification giving:
- your legal name
- your date of birth
- your signature
You are allowed to retake the G1 test if you fail the first time. However, retaking the G1 test involves time and money, besides delaying your freedom to drive yourself wherever you want to go. With the right material helping you along, you can pass the test the first time you write it.
How Trubicars course can help me?
With no interactive features, the handbook relies on a plain recital of the facts. Most people have trouble learning that way.
The Trubicars system is different. We include:
- videos and other audiovisual segments to help engage students
- questions and points for further consideration to encourage students to engage personally with the issues
- material that appeals to the whole person, rather than just the intellect
- a wide range of topics, from beginner concepts to advanced material
- a more effective way to study for the G1, G2 and G tests and to gain a lifelong understanding of driving
- easy-to-remember tips for safe driving
- a step-by-step approach that gives insights into the whole process of driving, rather than just a part of it
Practice G1
- Practice Test 1
- Practice Test 2
- Practice Test 3
- Practice Test 4
- Practice Test 5
Practice G2
- Turns
- Intersections
- Lane Changes
- Merging
- Parking
Practice G
- Turns
- Intersections
- Lane Changes
- Merging
- Parking
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