Fails to Obey Signs or Signals / Pavement Markings
This segment includes any kind of sign, such as highway signs, fixed notices or other railway crossing signs and handheld signs used by school crossing guards or monitors. “Signs” can include any automatic or manual traffic signal, such as flashing yellow, red or green lights at an intersection or railway crossing, as well as the signals of a police officer manually controlling traffic. Drivers should remember that the signals themselves are not effective in providing safety on the road unless road users obey their instructions.
For railway crossings, the Highway Traffic Act requires drivers to stop a minimum of 5 metres (15 feet) from the nearest rail when signals or a handheld flag warn that a train is approaching. After stopping, drivers are allowed to proceed when it is safe.
At intersections, arrows painted on the roadways are often used to identify turning lanes and to guide drivers to the best position for making the turn. Good drivers should look for these lane markings and be sure to obey them.