Collision Avoidance
- اختبار الطريق من المستوى الثاني
- La prueba de carretera de nivel dos
- لیول ٹو روڈ ٹیسٹ
- लेवल टू रोड टेस्ट
- 二级路试
- Le test sur route de niveau deux
- Why Skids Occur
- Wheels-Off Road Recovery
- Types of emotions and sources of emotions
- Types of Collisions
- Cómo obtener una licencia de conducir G: para nuevos conductores
- جی ڈرائیور کا لائسنس کیسے حاصل کیا جائے: نئے ڈرائیوروں کے لیے
- كيفية الحصول على رخصة قيادة G: للسائقين الجدد
- G ड्राइवर लाइसेंस कैसे प्राप्त करें: नए ड्राइवरों के लिए
- 如何获得 G 驾照:适用于新司机
- Comment obtenir un permis de conduire G : pour les nouveaux conducteurs
- How to get a G driver’s license: for new drivers
- Factors In Driving Skill
- Driving Lifelong Learning Finished
Exit Road Test
- Incorrect Use of: Clutch / Brake / Accelerator / Gears / Steering
- Select proper Gear
- Rolls Back When Parking or Starting
- Fails to Observe / Uses Mirror Only / and/or Signal Before Leaving
- Stop, Park and Start on Grade
- Incorrect Use Of: Clutch / Brake / Accelerator / Gears / Steering
- Fails to Signal When leaving / Incorrect Signal
- Incorrect Vehicle Position
- Hits: Objects / Other Vehicles or Climbs Curbs
- Fails to Observe – Uses Mirror Only / Backing / Leaving
- 1- Start
- Incorrect Use Of: Clutch / Brake / Accelerator / Gears / Steering
- Fails to Signal / Improper Signal
- Fails to observe – Uses Mirror Only
- Unable to Locate / Adjust / Operate Safety Devices
- Incorrect Use of: Clutch / Brake / Accelerator / Gears / Steering
- Turnabout: Control / Steering Method / Observation / Vehicle Position
- Fails to Look Around / to Rear Before / While Backing – Mirror only
- Incorrect Use Of: Clutch / Brake / Accelerator / Gears / Steering / Safety Devices
- Speed: Too Fast / Too Slow for Conditions / Impedes Traffic
- Traffic violations for license applicants include
- Fails to Use Caution or Obey: Pedestrian Cross-Over / School Crossing / Emergency Vehicle
- Right of Way Observance: Pedestrian / Self / Other Vehicles
- Lane Change Signal: Wrong / Early / Late / Not Given / Not Cancelled
- Fails to Check Blind Spot / Observe Properly
- Improper Choice of Lane / Straddles Lane / Unmarked Roadway
- Follows or Passes too Closely / Cuts in too Soon
- Right-of-Way Observance: Pedestrian / Self / Other Vehicle
- Stopping Position: Too Soon or Blocks Crosswalk / Intersection
- Late in Slowing / Stopping / Slows too soon
- Fails to Obey Signs or Signals / Pavement Markings
- Fails to Observe Properly / Controlled / Uncontrolled Intersection
- Incorrect use of: Clutch / Brake / Accelerator / Gears
- Speed: Too Fast / Too Slow / Enter / Leave / Impedes
- Steering: Method / Control / Recovery
- Cuts Corners – Enters Wrong Lane
- Wide turns usually follow after
- Turns Too Wide – Enters Wrong Lane
- Right of Way observance: Pedestrian / Self / Position / Other Vehicles
- Fails to Get into Proper Position / Lane / Late into Lane / Late into Position
- Signalling: Wrong / Early / Late / Not Given / Not Cancelled
- Incorrect Use Of: Clutch / Brake / Accelerator / Gears / Steering
- Fails to Signal When leaving / Incorrect Signal
- Incorrect Vehicle Position
- Hits: Objects / Other Vehicles or Climbs Curbs
- Fails to Observe – Uses Mirror Only / Backing / Leaving
Fuel Efficiency
- Covid Screening Form
- The role of vision in driving
- Under the Hood Checks
- U-Turns
- Driving in Construction Zones
- Driving on Curvy Roads
- Driving in Heavy Traffic
- Types of Roads and their effects on driving
- Traction
- Time management in driving
Rules of the Road
- اختبار الطريق من المستوى الثاني
- La prueba de carretera de nivel dos
- لیول ٹو روڈ ٹیسٹ
- लेवल टू रोड टेस्ट
- 二级路试
- Le test sur route de niveau deux
- G1 – Exit Road Test
- How much do driving lessons cost in Ontario?
- Driving is a privilege (not a right)
- Consequences of bad decision making behind the wheel
- BackingHighway and Freeway DrivingIntersectionsOther SituationsParking
- Three types of parking brakes
- Reverse Parking
- Parking Styles
- Perpendicular Parking
- Parallel Parking
- Hill Parking
- Angle Parking
- Arrows
- Rumble strips
- Speed Bump
- Stop Line
- Road Marking Colors
- Reserved Lane (Bicycle Lane)
- Painted Island
- Handicapped Parking Markings
- Crosswalk
- Crossovers
- Yield Sign
- Stop Sign
- Other Signs
- Railway Crossings
- Guide and Information Sign
- Construction and Maintenance Sign
- Warning Signs
- Regulatory Signs
- Sign Colors
- Sign Shapes
- Yellow Traffic Lights
- Tail Lights
- Transit Priority Signal
- Blank Traffic Light
- Yellow Traffic Light
- Traffic Beacons
- Traffic Control Officers’ Signal
- Stale Green Traffic Light
- Scramble Intersections
- Right Turn On Red
Traffic Laws
- تعرف على نقاط النقص
- Más información sobre los puntos de demérito
- ڈیمیرٹ پوائنٹس کے بارے میں جانیں۔
- जानिए डिमेरिट पॉइंट्स के बारे में
- 了解扣分
- نظام النقاط الجوهرية في أونتاريو
- Sistema de puntos de demérito en Ontario
- اونٹاریو میں ڈیمیرٹ پوائنٹس سسٹم
- ओंटारियो में अवगुण अंक प्रणाली
- 安大略省的扣分制度
- Essential Tips for Vehicle Maintenance: Keeping Your Ride in Top Shape
- Traffic Lights
- Covid Screening Form
- Opening a home based driving school in Ontario
- Ontario
- Traffic Laws in Canada
- رموز لوحة القيادة في السيارة
- Símbolos del salpicadero del coche
- کار کے ڈیش بورڈ کے نشانات
- कार का डैशबोर्ड चिह्न
- 汽车仪表板符号
- Matriculación y seguro de vehículos en Ontario
- اونٹاریو میں رجسٹریشن اور گاڑیوں کی انشورنس
- ओंटारियो में पंजीकरण और वाहन बीमा
- 安大略省的注册和车辆保险
- التسجيل والتأمين على المركبات في أونتاريو
- Anti-theft DevicesComfort DevicesCommunication DevicesControl Devices
- رموز لوحة القيادة في السيارة
- Símbolos del salpicadero del coche
- کار کے ڈیش بورڈ کے نشانات
- कार का डैशबोर्ड चिह्न
- 汽车仪表板符号
- Symboles du tableau de bord de la voiture
- Car’s Dashboard Symbols
- Brake Pedal
- Accelerator Pedal
- Manual Versus Automatic Transmission

This information was very informative