Construction Signs
Construction Signs
Construction signs are orange with black letters or symbols. Each of these signs indicates the beginning of a work zone. On some Highway Worker signs, you may see the WORKERS PRESENT tab as shown in the illustration. Drivers must stay at or below the posted speed limit throughout the entire work zone. When passing a worker, flag person, or equipment occupied by a worker, drivers must not exceed 60 km/h.
Be sure to familiarize yourself with bylaws in each region where you drive, as some cities have regulations restricting drivers to work zone speed limits throughout an entire construction area.
Survey crew ahead
Highway Workers
Traffic control person ahead
Watch for workers giving instructions to drivers, either verbally or by holding directional signs, such as “stop” or “yield.”
Construction ahead
When you enter a construction zone, you will see this sign. Be especially cautious as you drive and watch for changes to the posted speed limit.
Pavement drop-off
When either the adjacent lane or the shoulder is at a lower or higher level than the other lanes, this sign will warn of the difference in height.
Truck entrance left/right
Watch for trucks entering, leaving, or crossing the roadway at this point.
Overhead lines
Power lines may impede a vehicle with a high load. Be prepared to stop and possibly take another route.
Be prepared to stop
In some cities, bylaws prescribe adherence to the posted work zone speeds through an entire construction area, regardless of the presence of workers. It is important to be aware of the bylaws in each area where you drive.