Fails to observe – uses mirror only / backing / leaving

  1. The is the section where your Parallel Park occurs. You DriveTest Examiner will select a vehicle to park behind. 
  1. To begin, signal, check your rear-view mirror to make sure it is safe to slow down, check your side mirror and blind spot and stop about 1 meter from the vehicle, which you wish to park behind, and line the back of your car up with the back of theirs. Select reverse and check your mirrors, backup camera and in both directions. When safe, look back and in the direction the car will be turning. Glance ahead periodically to keep track of where the front of the car is. If you only look at your mirrors or backup camera it will be marked as a major mistake and if you do that consistently you could fail your G1 Exit Test (G2 Test) as this is a dangerous habit to get into.