Follows or passes too closely / cuts in too soon
- You need to maintain a minimum of 3 seconds following distance between you and the car in front. This space cushion would be increased if weather and road conditions warrant. Failure to do so could lead to you rear-ending another vehicle.
- You should also not pass too closely to another vehicle as you might side-swipe it causing both vehicles to lose control. Passing parked vehicles too closely could lead to a collision if the parked vehicle were to pullout or open their door. You should never be closer than 1 to 1.5 meters from another vehicle. If you pass another vehicle, there needs to be sufficient space before you change lanes in front of them. You should be 2-3 car lengths in front of a car and 5-6 car lengths in front of a large transport truck. You should be able to see their whole car/truck in your rear-view mirror before moving on front of them. Failing to do so could lead to them rear-ending you as you have taken away their space cushion.
- A Drivetest Examiner might mark a single instance as a minor mistake but if you have a collision, near-collision or they feel like you are creating a dangerous situation it could be marked as a critical error and result in failure.